Tuesday, May 2, 2006

"It's Me the Tiramisu Guy!"

If you've ever gone to house party where the only person you know is the host, then you know that it's pretty much like going stag to a wedding where you only know the groom/bride. Limited time with the person you came to see. Lots of strangers who have already formed their inner society for the evening. Eating enough for two people (hey, I didn't bring anyone, I might as well make up for it).

When it comes to house parties for people in their late 20s, I have come to two hard, incontrovertable facts:

1) Guests usually feel obligated to bring something
2) Most guests opt for a really cheap bottle of wine no one has ever heard of

That's why I always bring a dessert from Finale's. You come off like a great, big hero. Everyone wants to know who brought the great dessert. "Why didn't I think about that?" they say. Bringing a Tiramisu or a 3 layer Chocolate Decadent Cake to a house party is the best way to get treated like Johnny Damon. Men and women alike want to talk to you.

Unfortunately, Johnny Damon is the only person who could get away with calling a woman he just met by the wrong name. Here's an exchange from a recent house party.

Girl Who I thought was Rachel: "I love this cake! You brought this? That was so nice!"

Me: "Yes, thank you. I contemplated the Chocolate Decadent, but Tiramisu is just refreshing."

Girl Who I thought was Rachel: "I agree."

Me: "So, how are you connected to the party...Rachel?

Girl Who I thought was Rachel (pointing to Rachel): "I'm here with Rachel."

Awkward pause. She walks to the other side of the kitchen without telling me her name.

Lesson Learned: Tiramisu is not completely infallible. Unless you are a professional athlete, any goodwill created by the Tiramisu is eroded when you call a woman by the wrong name.

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